Hemp For Horses
Hemp for horses - An overview

While the nutritional value of the hemp plant and its seeds is well known, the current buzz around hemp is about the Whole Hemp Flower oil products for both humans and animals. With lots of anecdotal experiences shared from pet owners and people alike, more horse owners are turning to hemp in an effort to see how it may help their horses.
The medicinal properties of hemp oil are just beginning to be explored. Most commonly we hear from people using hemp for body comfort, muscle comfort, and stress relief. As humans, and specifically mammals, we have receptors in our organs that allow us to process the cannabinoid compounds in the hemp plant. All mammals have these receptors in most internal organs for the Cannabinoids found in hemp. This is why so many animal products with hemp are beginning to introduce themselves to the market.
The gut, the liver and the brain all contain cannibinoid receptors. This means that just as with smaller mammals, horses are able to process the same cannabinoids of the hemp plant that we can(1). For this reason we decided to create a specific formula for hemp oil for horses and larger dogs - focusing on their needs.
Before we did that, it was important that we understood how hemp and other medicinal herbs affected horses, as well as determining the right amount of hemp for a horse's needs. In order to help you feel great about our products, we are sharing what we discovered and how that helped to shape the final product we created.
Before considering hemp for your horse, please read the next section - to help understand the options available to you.

Not all Whole Flower Hemp Oil is the same
Look for organic. If the Hemp Flower oil is not organic, organic choices ensure that your hemp oil does not contain questionable ingredients.
Don’t only shop based on price. Higher quality and purity are usually associated with a higher cost. A cheaper option could contain toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, or even heavy metals. Make sure your Hemp Flower Oil is free of all additives.
Get the analysis. The manufacturer should provide a certificate of test results that certify the amount of naturally occuring cannabinoids that is in every batch of their product. Many Whole Hemp Flower products contain only small amounts of naturally occuring cannabinoids.
Can I use hemp products for humans on my horse?
Products meant for human use should be avoided. If the product is not made specifically for horses, it is important to read the label to double-check for ingredients that could be toxic to them such as certain essential oils, and artificial sweeteners. We would recommend not risking this and instead sticking with formulas specifically for horses, to be safe.
Besides being free of these harmful human ingredients, horse-specific oral Hemp Oil products are usually also made with taste in mind. Horses may not like the flavor of hemp products that are made for human consumption.

Are studies being done on hemp and horses?
Yes, numerous studies are currently being done, in fact the researchers from Murray State University hypothesized that naturally occuring cannabinoids appears to lack the degree of adverse side effects in a short-term therapeutic study(3).
However, they suggested that further research is needed to examine naturally occuring cannabinoids safety over an extended treatment period to determine its potential as an alternative therapeutic approach for a horse condition. Thankfully, this research is already underway.
Researchers at Tarleton State University’s Equine Center are looking into that right now in a unique study that has the attention of horse owners around the world.
“I have just been overwhelmed by the level of interest in this study,” said Dr. Kimberly Guay, who is overseeing the research. “By now, horse owners have all heard the hype about the potential benefits of CBD oil. Here at Tarleton, we are working to give them reliable data.”
How do I know how much hemp oil to give to my horse?
Because there isn’t much research available on using Whole Flower Hemp Oil in animals, it is best to discuss what dose is safe with a veterinarian who has experience using Whole Flower Hemp Oil to help animals.
It is always best to start slow, with less than the recommended usage amount and then to work up from that - based upon how your horse does.
Why our formulas are so unique
We took Whole Hemp Flower Oil one step further, and infused our hemp oils with supporting medicinal herbs that are safe for both horses and larger dogs. Our four formulations each have two assisting herbs to help your horse. We created three oils, Aja for body relief, Heka for mental ease and to help with fear or worry, and Hercules for muscle support.
In addition, we took out any filler ingredients leaving our oils nutrient dense, vegan and GMO-free, and 100 % certified organic. Nothing but the very best ingredients, to assist your horse's body or mind.
How do I know which pet oil is right for my horse?
Because their needs vary, we created four special formulas designed to assist them in living a comfortable life. Each of these formulas combine whole hemp flower oil, with selected medicinal herbs to support your horse. These formulas were made by an herbalist and pet owner, using herbs found to be safe for both horses and large dogs.

Aja Organic Pet Oil - For General Body Comfort, Great For Older Pets
This certified organic whole hemp flower-infused pet oil is specially formulated with supporting herbs that may help your horse with body relief and support their body's natural inflammatory response.*
Great for: Older horses with mild body aches and pains associated with aging.*
Herbs: White Willow Bark, Nettle Leaf

Heka Organic Pet Oil - For Worry and Fear
This certified organic whole hemp flower infused pet oil is specially formulated with supporting herbs that may help horses with worry, fear, separation, and agitation.*
Great for: Horses who worry! Help relieve their fear & agitation due to separation, travel, or thunder.*
Herbs: Chamomile Flowers, Lemon Balm Herb.
Hercules Organic Pet Oil - For Active Pets and Muscle Support
This certified organic whole hemp flower infused pet oil is specially formulated with supporting herbs that may help horses with muscle discomfort and muscle tension.*
Athletic & working pets with minor and occasional muscle aches, involuntary muscle contraction, and discomfort.*
Herbs: Hawthorn Barry, Meadowsweet Flowers.
Sources cited
Cannabinoids and Animal Physiology
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK230721/ -
Iffland, K., and Grotenhermen, F., 2017. An update on safety and side effects of cannabidiol: A review of clinical data and relevant animal studies. Cannabis Cannabinoid Research, volume 2, number 1, 139-154.
https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/can.2016.0034?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed - Cannabidiol in the horse: pharmacokinetics and effects of a pelleted supplement on reactivity and movement https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1229&context=etd
- 2021 Equine Prohibited Substances List https://inside.fei.org/sites/default/files/2021%20Prohibited%20Substances%20List.pdf
- CBD for Animals https://anticruelty.org/pet-library/cbd-animals
More reading
- FAQs About CBD Use in Pets https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/faqs-about-cbd-use-pets
- Evaluation of CBD Supplementation in the Horse https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3402&context=postersatthecapitol
- Hemp For Horses? Tarleton Researcher Investigating Benefits https://today.tamu.edu/2020/02/12/hemp-for-horses-tarleton-researcher-investigating-benefits/
- CBD and Chronic Pain In Horses https://news.okstate.edu/articles/veterinary-medicine/2020/cbd-and-chronic-pain-in-horses.html
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